- She is filling out her 0-3 month clothes and is finally out of newborn diapers:) We are about to embark on the world of cloth diapers...which is super exciting (I know, I'm weird!) and kinda nerve-racking...laundry everyday!
- She has begun to smile a ton
- She loves to snuggle and watch the person holding her.
- She is a wonderful sleeper. She wakes up once in the middle of the night to feed and pretty much puts herself back to sleep.
- We've had some rough episodes of tummy trouble, but hopefully that will begin to clear up soon!
- She has very sensitive skin
- She's not a big fan of the swing (exactly opposite of her sister)
- She loves to be perched up on your shoulders - so she can see the world
- She still has blue eyes (unlike her sister who had already changed to brown eyes at this age) - who knows if the blue eyes will last!
- She hates, and I mean hates, to have her clothes taken off.
- She snorts a lot, which is so cute and funny:)
Finally caught some sweet smiles

All smiles from one and freaking out from the other...I guess the fun begins on trying to get both to look at the camera and smile:)

I can't believe she's 2 months old!! It seems like everything is going great :) She's a cutie!
Getting a good picture of them together is always an accomplishment. The pics of the two of them are cute!
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