Saturday, March 6, 2010

"Forced Family Fun" Fridays:)

Growing up, my parents started a tradition that later on we affectionately called "triple F". When we lived in Alabama, my parents would gather the family together to have fun without spending any money. In stead of going out to eat, to the movies, to putt-putt, or anything else that cost money, they would gather us around to play board games, write stories or read a book together as a family. That's why we later dubbed it "forced family fun":) But don't let the name fool you, we definitely enjoyed those nights of family bonding! The best part about the evening (in my opinion!) was that we would get a small glass of coke and mom would pop popcorn and "hide" M&M's in it. Of course Will and I would go straight to the bottom of the bowl and eat all the M&M's...(Will always stole all my M&M's...sigh...). This is a treat we never got outside of those triple F nights. What great memories we have of those nights!
So, Andy and I decided to start our own Triple F nights with our growing family. Granted, our girls are much younger than Will and I were, so the tradition has been tweaked for the age of our family members. This Friday night, we popped popcorn, had pizza and watched a Lady and the Tramp II. We weren't sure how Alley was going to do, but she did great! She LOVED the popcorn and pizza and even watched almost all of the movie (only because it was about dogs - that girl loves her animals!!). It was a fun start to a new family tradition...Here are some photos from Triple F...

Alley sharing the popcorn with Daddy while we waited for the pizza to cook
Pausing from eating for a smile:)

The other day we tried to get a picture of Alley holding was kind of funny to watch. Poor Kendall kept tilting over and after a few minutes Alley pushed Kendall away saying "all done":) Good thing I was there to catch Kendall!

Our precious little girl after some tummy time...not her favorite thing - so she got the binkie after she was plum wore her out!


Katie said...

I love the pics of Alley trying to hold Kendall :) Super cute!

Bunch of Barrons said...

Too cute. Love those shots of them together. I'd love to do something like this with our family too. Good idea! :)

A.K. said...

what a fun idea! i love the last picture of sweet little kendall!