As I stated in a past post, our camera has completely died on us...again. So, after going through 3 cameras in 4 years, we decided it was finally time for us to invest in a really nice, quality camera. One of Andy's assistants knows a lot about cameras and has helped us in the process of picking one out that will best suit our needs (and our skill level!). In the meantime, she let us borrow her camera to see if we like that style of camera. Thanks Kele! Here are some pictures from the past week using her camera. I still need work on lighting and stuff, but they came out much better than they would have if I was using our camera!:)
Kendall in her "thinking" mode...hmmm, is it time to eat yet?!

Sweet cheeks taking a little snooze before big sister returns to torture, oh, I mean "help"

Wide eyed and bushy tailed...someone must have rung the dinner bell;)

Thinking again...this is becoming a habit!

the quality of the picture is bad because I was so surprised that she did this that I didn't have time to focus the picture - check out what my 5 week old was doing:)

She's just too cute...this is her tummy time stance - the little frog

A view from the back - all the while she is rocking back and forth, which makes this stance even more hilarious:)

Chatting with us about life

Oh lord, watch out, she's already liking the phone

I love this picture!! How cute are they!! She has eyes only for her daddy (she just puts up with me because I feed her...hehe)
yah i've already given up because i know our little one will be head over heels for her dad... and after all the hard work we do for them!
great pictures! can't wait to see what kind of camera y'all get!
What cute pictures of her!!
I LOVE the pictures. What a beautiful little girl! Hope you are well. Maybe we can have a phone date soon to catch up. Love you!
Too cute! I had some free time so I played around a little with the last picture you posted. The original should still be with all the others. I'm glad you got some cute pictures!
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