Today Alley went to her first birthday party. The party was for her closest friend from school, Ava. She has been so excited about this party, but she keeps calling it, "my party, my birthday"! Uh-oh...that's cause for some concern! She ended up doing great! We did have to trick her a little during the present opening...we got her to pick up all the wrapping paper and throw it away while Ava was getting into most of her presents. Of course Alley was able to "help" Ava open them so she could get the wrapping paper:) Such a sweet friend! We really enjoyed ourselves this evening. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and Ava's extended family was wonderful and so kind. Ava's grandmother even held Kendall for awhile:) Here are some pictures from our evening:
Alley pre-party hanging out in a box...why do we buy toys??!!

playing the piano in Ava's room...that girl can't stay away from music!

the two peas in a pod playing so nicely

Hilarious picture! I told them both to say cheese and this is what they did!!!

Playing with beads

sweet birthday girl!

Daddy playing along nicely;) He's getting his hair brushed...

Ava running around in the yard enjoying the evening

Alley swinging all by herself!


What a fun evening we had! These two girls keep us rolling with laughter and make our lives brighter:)
Andy's a sport - letting the girls comb his hair :)
so cute! I LOVE the pigtails!!!
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