Monday, February 27, 2012

Snow Day!

How ironic that the last post I did was called "Sunny Day"...yes, we had several sunny, low 70 degree days and then a few days in the low 30s...oh I just want to thank the weather for the sickness it has brought on my family. How kind of you...:( Anyway, here as some pictures of the girls playing in the snow, which only stuck around for 1 day due to the weather not being able to make up it's mind on whether it wants to be warm or freezing. 

Running out to the field next to our house....Snow, glorious snow.

Kendall spent her morning looking like this...poor thing couldn't walk or run without falling...yes, I might have over bundled her, but I didn't have any snow outfits!

my two snow bunnies

making snow angels down...

oh no! two men;)

yikes, we are struggling to stay up-right!

umm, mommy...hep pweeeeeeese....(help please)

helping shovel/sweep the side walk

yes, please give us some direction Kendall...oh girl of great knowledge;)

Okay, we had our it can get warm and we can put all this craziness behind us. "pweeeeeese"

1 comment:

The Richmond Alleys said...

More pictures of these cute girls and their antics ... pweeeeeese! :)