Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

We had a wonderful 4th of July this year! My parents had a little gathering out at their log cabin to celebrate America's birthday:) The girls absolutely LOVE spending time at the cabin. There are sooooo many different things they get to do when spending time "in the deep dark woods" (as Alley calls it!). Some fun activities include: swinging in the hammock, "fishing" in the creek with the statue of a boy fishing, finding all sorts of insects, birds and animals (a turtle being one of their favorites), watering (drowning) mimi and papas plants, helping plant (digging up what papa and mimi just planted), playing musical instruments on the porch (leading the band around the house...and don't you dare think you can get out of playing an instrument and marching..."uh...nope"!), playing with the doll house and all the furniture upstairs, and the list goes on! Anyway, the girls were thrilled to hear they were getting to spend the evening out at the cabin. And let me tell you, they were not disappointed. They had loads of fun with all the people who were there (I mean come-on, they had a lot more people to boss around and to add to their marching band!).

Here are some pictures from the evening. I am so bummed that most of them did not turn out because I had the camera on the wrong setting...ugh! 

The girls all ready for the par-tay:)

MC equally excited

Smiley-Cate acting true to her nickname

"my mimi" and her Virginia granddaughters

family pic...can't believe we are actually looking in the direction of the camera;)!

little far we have a child with each eye color...guess we are done having kids, we've used up all the eye colors out there;)

playing an assortment of games all at once with daddy

This is what MC did all evening (when she wasn't chasing balls around)
"what's this?"

"can I eat it?"

"Oh heck, who cares what you say mom, I'm eating it!"

1 comment:

The Richmond Alleys said...

Loved seeing you all on the 4th! The best part of having the McPhersons come is that you bring your own entertainment -- usually in three separate rings!!