Sunday, February 23, 2014

Running freaks

Recently Alley has become interested in running. I'd like to think it's because she sees me go out on runs or running on our treadmill at home, but who knows! I am just grateful for her excitement about something active! The girls and I have gone out a few times to run around fields and tracks but today we got to run with daddy (which obviously makes everything a 100x better!). We even got to use the indoor track at Clemson for our shenanigans:) 

The girls getting ready for their half mile (continuous) run.

 MC and Kendall plugging along...they did really great for having "shorter" legs and not being AS excited as a certain long-legged brown-eyed girl;)

Alley running with daddy...non-stop and at a very fast pace! I was so proud!

my running partner...the word "running" here is used VERY loosely ;)

it got even more exciting when we decided to run sprints! We even got to set up the blocks

taking off! 

mommy then got in on the fun...yeah buddy!

I might have been slightly too competitive here...naw! It's good for them to be pushed once in a while;)

Alley doing her cool down of two laps...I wouldn't really call it a "cool down" since she was trucking it!

cruising along like it's nothing

aaaaaaaand, here we come...

encouraging Kendall not to give up and running with a cling-on was slightly difficult and left me slightly winded...

and there she blows:)

aaaaand, here we come!

 after our cool down, MC decided she was the winner! GO McPHERSON CLAN!!!

It was so much fun that I can't wait until we do this again!!! Alley said she can't wait until she can start running with me...oh girl, I can't wait either!!:)

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