Saturday, January 31, 2015

New addition...

We have added a new member to the McPherson circus! This one is a girl (surprise, surprise!), furry, lovable, playful, black and slightly smelly;). We are now a dog family…though I am still coming to terms with that. The younger two girls have had an extreme fear of dogs over the past 2 years, so what better way to solve that? Invite your fear to come live with you…duh!;) 

she looks very ferocious to y'all, right?!

 I told Andy that if we were going to get a dog, it had to be over 3 years of age. I am not doing any puppy training! We found sweet Bailey at a shelter up in Greenville and immediately new she was the one. She is such a sweet, laid-back dog. We definitely lucked out! The first two weeks the girls wanted to take Bailey out on walks CONSTANTLY. Poor Bailey probably went on at least 4 walks a day…at least we all got some good exercise:) She is fantastic on walks and will just walk right next to you. Even MC can walk her without any trouble. Whew!

Here they all are on Bailey's first night home.

MC has a new friend and dogs are her new loves

Alley taking Bailey on one of our multiple walk days…we haven't even left the driveway and Bailey already looks like she's ready to go to sleep!

Kendall, who previously would scream bloody murder every single time she saw a dog, has loved having Bailey around. Here she is just staring at Bailey…poor Bailey;)

Best buds

Best buds

Bailey definitely loves Alley…I took this sweet shot while we were on our way to take Kendall to preschool. 

Even Bailey is getting in on our family devotional time at night;)

Who, you ask, is Bailey's absolute favorite human? This picture says it all...

Andy came home from work and laid down on the ground and Bailey just climbed up on him and started licking him…she thinks she's a lap dog;)

All in all, I think we made the right decision. Granted I have to clean A LOT more now (if you know me, then you know I absolutely hate cleaning), but it's worth it when I see how the girls respond to Bailey. She has definitely become a wonderful addition to our family!

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