Saturday, January 23, 2016

Kendall turns 6!

This girl is 6! She's still a smiley, snuggly, musical extrovert who needs her sleep. She's such a joy to have in our family. I love how God made each of our children so incredibly different yet so needed to complete this little family. I am so thankful for this precious little one. 

For her birthday, she got glasses;) Ha, just kidding…on the birthday part. She did have to get glasses, but she totally rocks them:) Isn't she a cutie!!

 She asked for a cookie cake this year and pizza for dinner…I love an easy birthday dinner!

 A little about Kendall now that she is 6; she is a fast learner, a perfectionist to a certain degree (if she can't do it right, she won't do it at all…uh-oh), loves anything musical, loves to put on shows for people, loves gymnastics or what she calls "ji-nast-ics"(even though she's never been in it), loves animals and the zoo, she taught herself how to read, loves math, thinks everyone she meets is her best friend and has never met a stranger. This child is so full of life and love. I am so thankful for her. We love you Kendall!

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