Saturday, April 12, 2008

Busy bee

Life in the McPherson household has continued to move at a fast pace like it does every year at this time. Alley has continued to amaze us daily with how fast she is growing up! Her teachers at school say she rolls all around on the floor from one end to the other all day and gets a big kick out of herself (she's a piece!). She is now too excited with the fact that she can move around on her own that she has decided that what little naps she did take don't need to be taken anymore...oh the joys!
Alley has been rolling over for a week now and really looks like she'll be sitting up soon. Her teachers say (and we have all witnessed) that she tries to pull herself up into a sitting position any time she is put in something (ie - car seat, high chair, the floor, etc.). She can sit up but slouches her back a little (it actually looks kinda cute!).
As for eating, it's touch and go...I've realized that feeding her when she's sleepy is not the best thing, but we make it through and she seems to like everything I've given her (even though she isn't crazy about peaches - she spits most of them out and makes the most sour face I've seen!). For now, we love just hanging out with her and experiencing all her "firsts", as well as getting to see the world through her eyes (she is mesmerized with cars driving by and will do anything for me to sit with her in front of our glass front door...she could spend hours there!).

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