Saturday, April 5, 2008


Alley is 4 months and 4 weeks old (so would you call her 5 months??!). This morning she rolled all the way over, moved her arm out from under her and lifted up her chest for the first time!! Yeah for her! She's been rolling over and getting her arm stuck under her for weeks now, but today was the first time she moved her arm out from under her. I wonder if she'll do it again?! The funny part...Andy and I were in the other room! I had been playing with her on the floor all morning while Andy was gone at football practice. She'd been getting frustrated with her arm all morning, but continued to try. Andy came home and she laid on her back while giggling with him. We left her in that position while I showed him what I got at the store. After a few moments, we stepped back in the room and she was proudly looking at us while on her stomach and pushing her chest off the floor!! It was hilarious!! Here's a photo of her first roll over:)


Anonymous said...

Yeah Alley!
The McPherson's in Memphis, TN

Jessica said...

Congratulations, Alley!!!!

Warner Family said...

How fun! I think it's so funny how proud a baby can be! Very sweet...

A.K. said...

yay Alley!!! wait till Mommy and Daddy walk into the other room the next time and you crawl to them! (hopefully u have a little more time until then!)

Anonymous said...

Awe...she's getting so big!!! I wish she could have done it while she was here. She got pretty close! Still just a pretty as ever!! Love you guys!!

Shae(The 21 year old!)

Cheffie-Mom said...

Congrats!! Great pictures :) Sorry I have not been blogging lately! I have been taping shows. What was I thinking?? Hah! Maybe it is a good thing I wasn't thinking! If you get a minute, check it out. I'd love to hear what you think. I am inviting all my blog friends over for feedback. Your stories are great and my whole idea behind this show is for other moms to share real stories like you do. Sponsors are donating neat prizes like chocolate baskets and mini-chef aprons and way cool cookery stuff. Anyway, I'd love to hear from you.