Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fun with Friends

Today we got to spend sometime with some special little ladies. The McPherson girls met up with the Wiegard girls in Lynchburg at Amazement Square. I have known the Wiegards for YEARS! My brother was best friends with the oldest Wiegard boys (the Twins as they were referred to) and our families were fast friends. As the years came and went, we drifted away physically, but whenever our families met up, it was like we had never left. Now we are all grown up (WHATT???!!) and have kids of our own. It's time for a new generation of Alley (McPherson) - Wiegard friends:) Amazingly, Spence and Courtney have two girls who are the exact same age as our oldest two. So we knew we had to get this wild bunch together:) After several failed attempts at meeting up, we finally made it! Today was the big day that our bunch would meet. And let me tell you, you'd think they'd been friends forever:) I wasn't able to get my camera out during the fun at Amazement Square, but I tried to capture the girls after we ate and before we departed.

The older two acting like they were 16...;) I can see it in their eyes...Mom, stop this, you're embarrassing me...oh this is nothin' girl, you ain't seen nothin' yet...

quite a crew:)

fast friends:)

Lovely day with some great people! I can't wait to get together again:)!

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