Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pool Fun

We have been spending a lot of time poolside over the past several days. Granted our pool is a tiny one that is put up at the end of every day, but hey, a pool is a pool. No fees, no crazy kids (except my own!), no tempting snack bar (maybe it's more tempting for me!), no crowds, no extra stress on momma duck who has to keep the littlest one from drowning and no escaping. So, I'd say we have it good for now:)

The girls just love being in the water. They splash, kick, scream, and pretend to swim. We have so much fun. Here are some pictures I took of our first pool day.

Laying out in the pool

all smiles

"I'm spasshing, momma!" Kendall

sweet moments of calm...

...didn't last long

more splashing...oh the fun!

Alley trying to swim...kinda hard...

soooo, back to splashing

forget swimming, we love spinning;)

over the speed bumps (aka, Kendall)

Well, I'm off to visit our pool again:)

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