Thursday, July 25, 2013

Household conversations...

This post is to document all the crazy things my children have been saying recently...I know I've been bad at documenting every funny thing said, so this is just I've found and feel needs to be remembered. I laughed a ton while writing these down...what great memories;)

July 22, 2013
Conversation after reading our bible story for the night:
Alley: We need to tell people about Jesus all the time. I'm going to go to different countries and tell people all about how Jesus loves us. I'm going to travel everywhere.
Kendall: Well, I'm going to be a princess with a crown and a pretty dress and I'm going to sing on stage. I'm going to dance around and look beautiful. I'm going to travel to different places to show the people that I am a princess.

July 15, 2013
Alley: "I remember when you had Kendall in your belly. Then you went to the hospital and Mimi came and brushed my hair and read me a story. Then you came home with Kendall and had MC in your belly." 

June 19, 2013
Kendall just asked of the BS people were coming back tomorrow!!! Then she says I love love love BS! Alley says, "it's VBS Kendall, I don't know any BS"

June 10, 2013
Note to self, ALWAYS look over the books your kids want to check out at the library...why?? Because when we got home, Kendall begged me to read the books she picked out...they were in Spanish!! She cried when I told her I couldn't read them because I didn't speak Spanish. Then she proceeded to count to 10 in Spanish... 

May 10, 2013
Leaving the Chick-fil-A drive through Kendall and Alley said, "That man was so nice and very handsome, just like daddy."

April 29, 2013
On the way to school Alley said, " I'm going to be like Uncle Will Alley when I grow up. I'm going to tell people about Jesus all day long...except I'm not going to do it in Afghanistan, I'm going to tell people about Jesus in Mexico, because it's prettier." 

April 18, 2013
As Alley was getting out of the car to go to preschool, she looked at the teacher and said, "you know, satan was an angel named lucifer but he doesn't live in heaven anymore because he wanted to be God. No one can be God except Jesus. Satan lives in hell. If you ask Jesus in your heart you can go to heaven and live with Jesus and smile all the time. Do you have Jesus in your heart?"

April 9, 2013
We drove by a church that had a wooden cross in the front and a white "sheet" draped over it and Kendall exclaims, "Oh no! Jesus left His coat!"
When we drove by the church again the next day, the cross was gone and Kendall exclaimed, "Oh 
good. Jesus came back for His coat and His cross!"

March 29, 2013
After spending a lot of time this morning trying to unlock the girls bedroom door, Alley walks up with the coat hanger and jiggles it in the lock and suddenly the door opens.

January 30, 2013
Alley: "Mommy, why do we sin? I don't like sinning because i love Jesus so much. Why do we sin?"

January 22, 2013
Alley came out of her room tonight telling me she's still scared of the dark, even with her nightlight. I told her it was super bright and that she needed to go back to bed. She asked if she could pray to Jesus about her fear. "dear Jesus, please be with me tonight and hold my hand since I am scared. You are the light of the world, please shine your light on me and be with me..."

January 14, 2013
today I noticed some really elaborate drawings of Alley's...on the interior of our, her punishment was having to spend her free play time cleaning the car...her comment when she was done, "that was so fun mom!"...she was totally serious...

October 25, 2012
Conversation with Alley this morning:
A: mom, there is a pool at our hotel, did you pack my bathing suit?
Me: no, it must be in one of the boxes at the house here at Clemson.
A: mom, I bet you left it in Farmville.
Me: no, the house was completely empty. Don't you remember the movers taking everything and running through our empty house? It is in one of the boxes in this house.
A: oh, I thought we were just going on a big vacation...

July 19, 2012
Alleys prayer: "Hey God, please keep baby aubrie's heart good bc I haven't met her yet and want to play with her. Please let Doc, Opa, and Bill Bruce have fun in heaven. let them pick flowers and run around bc that is so fun! I love Doc. Mommy? Why didn't you let me see Doc? hey God! Please go with Uncle Will to Afghanistan and hold his hand so he can tell the boys about you. I would like to see you please. Amen"

June 20, 2012
Alley: Dad, this is my sweet tooth, my tea tooth, apple tooth, and my sweet tooth.

June 14, 2012
Overheard this morning:
Alley took a marshmellow out of her cereal, leaned down to Kendall and held it out to her say, "Jesus is your savior, Amen". She then put it in Kendall's hand, who ate it with an "Amen". Then they went on about their business...oh my! First we spend weeks "bath-tising" everything and everyone in our house, now we've moved on to giving communion;)

April 18, 2012
Alley: Daddy, I need a car. 
Me: Why?
Alley: So I can drive to candy land!

February 6, 2012
While doing my bible study today, Alley brought out her little bible to do her bible study as well. She holds up her bible and says,"what's these words in the bible?". I told her that it's Jesus talking to us. She then proceeds to hold the the bible up to her ear and then after a moment of silence exclaims, "I hear Jesus! He says he loves me!"

January 25, 2012
Alley put her ear up to her rice crispies this morning and said, "mom, my cereal is talking to me!" I said, " what is it saying to you?" , she said, "it's telling me Jesus loves me"

December 30, 2011
Scene of the night...Kendall throwing a fit on the floor (because that's the type of day we have had), I stood over her and asked, "Are you done yet"...she stops and looks up at me and says, "yesh" and gets up and walks away....oh my...

October 18, 2011
quote of the day: In the car, on the way home from visiting daddy at work...MC is screaming her head off (like usual...ugh!).
A: "Mommy, can you please turn her down, I can't hear me!"
Me: "Oh baby I wish I could"
A: "Please do it"...

April 10, 2011
After a day of falling and scraping her knees, tonight in the bath Alley told Andy, "Don't wash my patella please"

JAnuary 11, 2011
I walked into Alley's room after "rest time" and she looked up at me and said, "I didn't make a mess, Curious George did." Well, now that we got that straight;)

September 4, 2010
Alley's prayers tonight: "Dear Jesus, thank you fo mommy, daddy, kendall, Aunt Jess, Carlee Cott, Ucle Will, Owen, Owen, Owen, Owen, Owen". Me: okay Alley, and who else?" Alley: "Owen mommy, and Owen, and Owen..."

May 11, 2010
Alley: "mommy, guess what...." me: "what?" Alley: "I love you!"

April 17, 2010
(conversation while driving this afternoon) Alley: "mommy, where the cows at?" me: "Alley, there aren't any cows on this road." Alley: (throwing her hands up in the air) "Oh no, we're lost!!"...get this girl out of the country!

February 18, 2010
when asked what her favorite color was, Alley said, "daddy!" (with a big smile on her face!)

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