Tuesday, July 30, 2013


We have taken a few short trips recently. The award for the farthest and shortest trip goes to our roughly 48 hour trip to Virginia...thank you, thank you, thank you;) I hope never to win this award again...The reason for this trip was to clean out the rest of our house in F'ville, see Granny and then go to Richmond and pick up the BEAUTIFUL side board dad made us for our anniversary, as well as see Mimi and Papa's new house. So, we packed a lot into a very short amount of time! 

On our visit to Granny's, Kendall asked Granny if she could hold her hand while we were walking to Granny's room. Melt my heart! This was so sweet!!

Granny and the older two. MC was acting shy and wouldn't look at granny or come near her. She was a mess!

By the end of the visit, MC had completely warmed up to Granny! I guess it also helps to have a toy ring for her;) Bribes are a wonderful thing;)

We finally made it to Mimi and Papa's new house and the first thing Kendall does is go looking for the cat. Good thing Cagney was ok with her getting into her space:)

Alley enjoying some watermelon

Another trip we took was to the Greenville Zoo. The girls LOVED the zoo and especially loved being with their best buds! This family has a son Alley's age and they are inseparable! They also have a girl who is Kendall's age and they are best buds, but way too much alike;) We have been getting together for park play dates weekly since the winter and I know the girls have LOVED getting to spend time with them.

Alley super excited about the monkeys...I think we should have left all 5 kiddos at the monkey cage, they were right at home!

yelling at the monkeys

MC getting in on the action

best buds!

being silly

the crew, minus MC who refused to be in the picture with anyone...loner

happy to have the "car" to herself!

checking out the giraffes...they were trying to make giraffe sounds and it was HILARIOUS!

nice kitty...

yet again...the whole time they were either holding hands and running, death grip hugging or Alley was trying to teach Charlie how to "ballroom dance"...too cute!

checking out the BIG turtles

sassy pants going for a ride

snack break

silly kids

apparently this was a funny/crazy face picture

there is this awesome playground right next to the zoo that we ate lunch at. Kendall ran straight for this "spider-web" and climb straight up to the top. She was so proud of herself!

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