Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gone too long...

It's been awhile since I blogged last...a lot has been going on here in the McPherson household. Alley has been having rough sleepless nights which we just chalked up to her teething (she still only has her 2 lower front teeth...poor thing!). Finally, after a week of fluctuating with a temperature between 99 and 101, I took her to the doctor...she has a bad ear infection and a really red throat. I feel awful! I kept thinking all week, "oh it's just her teeth, she'll get better!" At least I finally took her in :/ She's still not in the clear though. She started some medicine yesterday and has had some sort of reaction (we think it's from the medicine)...so I have to take her in tomorrow morning to get some lab work done. Please pray for us both - I'm nervous!!
On a lighter note - my mom was going through some boxes and found some leftover birthday plates from a birthday party I had when I was really little! So she brought them over to let us use them for Alley's first birthday party....which is in a month!!!! My baby is going to be one!!! Oh but I'll save all the "sadness" for another day;) Here's a picture of the plates!:)

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