Saturday, October 4, 2008


Today Alley and I traveled to Richmond to visit Mimi and Papa while Andy was out of town. We enjoyed our time with them and even got to see the newest member of the family (Kit-Kat - a gray tabby kitten). Alley even said cat - in a garbled way, but we all heard cat;) - and she followed it around all day saying was too cute for me to correct her:)
The introductions...and the end of freedom for the kitten...
(notice the telephone hanging from my daughters mouth...I mean seriously child?!)
Mimi playing games with Alley - and Alley showing off her only two teeth...
The end of the day...too tired to crawl...she had to take a break/rest in the middle of a crawl...must have been a GREAT day with Mimi and Papa!!


Anonymous said...

im your favorite reader here!

Anonymous said...

She is just too cute. I bet she had a blast with that cat. Miss you guys, can't wait to see my baby cousin again and play some more :(, it's been too long!! Love yall!
