Thursday, January 1, 2009


Life here has been rolling by fast. I can't believe my Christmas break is almost over! We've been having a lot of fun over the past week. My best friend and roommate from college flew in from Wisconsin with her boyfriend on Sunday and spent a wonderful few days here in Farm-vegas with us. We had a blast! It was wonderful reconnecting with her and meeting her special someone:) Not only have we been busy with basketball and visiting with friends, but Alley has been busy expanding her world. It's been amazing to see the changes she has been going through. We now have some meltdowns and tantrums, but we also have an emerging vocabulary and understanding/recognition of things. She is chattering NON-STOP and then when she pauses (which is rare!) she gives you a look like, "so, what do you have to say about that?". Alley is not only expanding her vocab, but she is expanding her appetite as well! This girl can eat and wants to do it all the time!! But, the biggest thing we've seen lately is that she has started doing somersaults!!! Were did that come from??!! The other day she was walking and she completely stopped and bent over on her head and flipped herself over...only to do it again after she got up...laughing the whole time!! Wow, it's hilarious:) I am so mad that my camera isn't working because that photo and video would be priceless! Andy and I roll around laughing when she does it because she looks so funny. Hopefully I'll be able to get her on camera soon for the blogging world to see. Until then, I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!!

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