Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chef McPherson

Over the past few weeks Alley has been more interested in helping around the house. I, of course, welcome ANY type of help from her, especially the closer we get to having our second! Alley has always loved sweeping, putting dirty laundry in the hamper, and putting away her toys. How did I get so lucky?! Recently she has become more interested in helping out in the kitchen. She wants to help put away clean dishes, get out her plate and silverware for dinner and help make dinner. We have a little stool she uses in the kitchen so she can stir things, put the ingredients in and/or clean up. She just loves being helpful!!

This morning we made mini muffins for breakfast. Alley was so proud of herself! Here is the picture of her while the muffins were cooling off.


Katie said...

That's impressive! Think of what she'll be capable of by the time she's three...!

ashleigha said...

She is a great little helper and looks so old in this picture!

Millbrook said...

Way to go, Alley. Good Job. Great photo, Catherine:)
Love to all.....