Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's time for some football!

Saturday the girls made their HSC football game debut. It was the second home football game for the Tigers, but the first home game for the girls. My parents just so happened to be in town, so I roped them into coming with me and helping out with the girls:) Aren't they so sweet!;) It was a dreary and chilly day, so I was happy when one of the football coaches offered his office for us to watch the game from. It was a perfect set-up. The girls could watch a movie on the tv and we could watch the game out the window...not bad at all:)

the older two in their game day outfits - I finished them just in time for the game:)
This is what happens when you ask the girls to smile - Alley plasters this deer in headlights look on her face and Kendall looks away...go figure

all three girls...it looks like MC is trying to get away from Kendall...she's like, "don't touch me!"

Kendall has an obsession with patting and kissing MC....it's a non-stop pat on the head but usually she has her thumb in her mouth too.
(the girls must have been good luck because HSC won by a huge margin!)


A.K. said...

oh my goodness- they are precious :)

Katie said...

Those girls are so cute! And the dresses, too!!! Love them!