Saturday, September 17, 2011

Play date

Okay, so I was a little brave on Friday. Ever since Alley left daycare, she has been missing her best friend, Ava. We've had several play dates over the summer, but nothing since school started. So, we invited Ava over for the whole day this Friday. In reality, Ava is just like another daughter. She blends in so well and all the girls love her:) Yes, we have our sisterly fights, but they don't last long. The only issue I had was that I had to come up with an idea for nap time. Ava naps religiously but not so much for Alley. We solved it by getting a movie and some books from the library. This way they could watch the movie and Ava could fall asleep whenever she got tired.

Here they are, Alley was more interested in the books than the movie...Ava was more interested in the inside of her eye-lids;)

Next hurdle, how to make sure Alley doesn't wake Ava up!! I didn't get a picture of this, but Alley snuggled up to Ava and then proceeded to wake her up. I asked her why she woke her up..."because I missed her". Enough said;)

We had a great day and even ventured out to the playground, had a picnic, visited an old friend at Daddy's work and went to the library. Whew, fun but exhausting day! 


Life with the Tibbs Family said...

Ava had a ball! I will get with you soon about when I can be the brave one LOL

Jenny said...

Little girls are just so much fun. Sleepovers are so funny when they are little. We have only done a couple, but listening to them chat is hilarious!