Friday, May 24, 2013

A fast year

The school year flew by. I have no idea how Alley could have finished PK so fast...shouldn't it still be going on?? I do not believe I should be thinking about KG for Alley yet...I am in denial. Complete denial. Alley started PK in Farmville, with a fun and sweet teacher and class. She took our move in strides and easily fit into her new PK class and fell in love with her teacher! She made some great friends and just over all seemed to do so well. I felt extremely proud (not that I had ANYTHING to do with this) when the teacher told us she was an amazing student and she wished she could clone Alley and that Alley was the sweetest child to everyone. She always asked to help her teacher and others and genuinely had a serving heart. Oh my dear Alley! 

First day of PreSchool (Farmville, VA)
September 2012

Last day of PreSchool (Clemson, SC)
May 2013

I really look forward to seeing how Alley changes and develops as a person, student, daughter and friend over the next several years. Here's to many more years of first days and lasts!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the idea of first day vs last day pictures. I would love to do this with my children if I remember!