Sunday, May 19, 2013

Whirl-wind trip

A few weekends ago, the girls and I took a "little" road trip to Virginia. Andy had to stay behind, due to work, so we made it a "girls weekend". It was a special weekend because we were getting to celebrate some fun events in the Alley family! We started the weekend with "convincing" John to read stories;) You can never, ever read too many stories! These girls will follow you with books asking you to read out, Kendall picks all the l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ng ones;)

Uncle John, graciously, reading Kendall a long one;)

Little Miss Ants-in-her-pants, couldn't sit long and decided to rock in her rocking chair. Clearly she is disturbed that I am looking at her...

Since I ruined her moment in the chair, on to cleaning dishes!

Pause from "cleaning" (or dumping water on the floor...shhh, Mimi doesn't know;)...)

We had several little trips to the playground, church nursery to play and to the children's museum so Mimi could get ready for all the party's planned for the weekend. No pictures of those events because they were quick and my hands were full;)

Saturday morning, one of mom's dear friends hosted a beautiful bridal shower for Kim. It was so fun! Fun times had by all...we look like we're having fun, right?! ;)

three was so good to have Granny there...we miss her terribly now that we've moved!

The whole Alley-Noel girl clan (minus Jessica in WA...we MISS you Jess!), all because of Granny:)

A classic shot of the future Mrs. John Alley...uhh, did I really say that? No, he's not getting married...noooo...just teasing John! I totally don't see you as my baby brother (who I could convince to do and play ANYTHING) anymore...noooo;) Anyway, Kim, he's yours now...whew...;)

A little Sunday morning forced pics...Let's see, which was was crying before this, which one was telling me NO! and which one couldn't seem to pay attention...ready, go!

Sooo, Mimi gets the award of the year...she immediately took them for a walk!!
 I choose to believe it was because she was helping, not because she was embarassed that I was still in my jammies, no make-up, hair a mess and looking like I hadn't slept in, not me;)

After church hugs and fun with Mimi...oh Kendall...;)

I realized recently that there are very few pictures of me with the, here we go...Me and the girls:)

A good-bye picture with John and Kim...they looooove John and Kim:)
I am very sad to say that I have no pictures of Kim's parents and the girls! Kim's parents flew in from Texas for the weekend so we could all meet them before the wedding. They were a HUGE hit with the girls! They got down on the floor and played with them, read them stories and just loved on them. Penney clan, we are very thankful you are going to be in our lives and thank you for loving our wild circus...are you SURE you want us in the wedding??!! ;)

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