Thursday, May 9, 2013

Railroad Festival

A few weekends ago (I know, I'm late in posting!), our little town had a Railroad Festival. We decided to make a go at it since it was a weekend Andy was home (woo-hoo!) and we had nothing else planned:) It was a dreary, drizzly morning, so we kinda hoped the girls had forgotten about it...noooope! They were dead set on going, regardless of the rain. So, off we went. We really weren't sure what to expect, so it was a nice surprise to see "bouncy slides and houses". Of course, we hit up those first;)

Kendall on her initial decent

great dismount and ready for another slide;)

Contestant #2 ready for her turn

Looks like fun was had by all...except Miss Grump in the stroller who could not go on the slide because she was too little...not cool, not cool at all

Off to the bounce house where everyone could participate!!

MC was loving it, but also a little "nervous" about all the bouncing she was getting

After getting our wiggles out in the bouncy toys (or hyping up the kids!), we took a "spin" in the CAT bus. The girls love this bus and have asked many times when we were going to get to ride the bus...hmmm, I'm ignoring that request and re-direct their attention;)

I think they loved "driving" the bus...this should satisfy them for a spell...right?!

And off to bigger and better things....Fire Trucks! They LOVED "driving" the firetruck. 

Alley showing us how it's done;)

We also got to check out an old caboose. So of course we had to have a photo op;) Still working on getting everyone to look at the camera...this will be a life-long struggle I'm sure!

I thought they had re-stored the inside...NOPE! Needless to say, I stepped in for a second, then decided to wave from the outside;)

Aaaaaand, our favorite activity of the morning....playing with toy trains! Yes, my girls looove trains:)

It was a fun morning, and could possibly be a great festival when the rain stays away. We will have to check it out again next year:)

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