Monday, June 28, 2010

Maymont Park and Friends

Of course we would pick THE hottest day to go to the park...naturally, that's how we roll;) We arrived a little after 9am and the temperature already showed around 101...yikes! We took our little hot adventure with Alley's best friend and her parents. We all had a great time despite the extreme heat!

Andy and Alley in the Japanese gardens walking around the waterfall...It looked so inviting that I wanted to go stand under it!

Alley crossing the rocks

Pausing for a snack break...I took so many shots of them eating their snacks and this was as close as I got to them both looking at the camera at the same time (I gave up on them smiling together as well!)

Alley and "Ava's mommy" getting ready for a little adventure walk in the bamboo

The many faces of Kendall on this hot hot trip:

"ooooo, water....ooooo, fish....oooo, bottle"

"look at me, look at me"

"hmmm, it's slightly hot out here so can you push my stroller faster so I can feel a breeze?!"

plotting their next move

sharing snacks - whaaaat?! I didn't know "food sharing" was in their vocab;)

running off to the water (nasty looking water at that)

I swear I thought Alley was going to pull me into the water! I'm not so sure it was a smooth idea to walk across stones in the was a stretch for her little legs

looking at the fish
taking a break from the heat

um, yeah, enough said...round them up, it's time to go!
Despite the heat, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was a great outing with great friends! I only wish Alley would have fallen asleep on the hour and a half drive home....:/

1 comment:

Katie said...

That bear is scary! Was he just walking around there??

We'll be back from TX this weekend! I'll try to call once we're back. Glad you enjoyed the conference!