Thursday, January 31, 2008

1st day

Surprise, surprise, Alley had a wonderful time at her first day of daycare. What's more surprising is that I survived as well:) Andy went with me to drop Alley off and had to drag me away when it was time to go...When I left she was still asleep in her car seat, which was good. I think it would have been much harder on me if she was awake because I would have wanted to snuggle and give her plenty of kisses and not let go! The great thing is that Alley has some fantastic teachers who clearly love every single child there like they are their own. Alley had so much fun at daycare that she was worn out that afternoon and evening! She napped right when I brought her home (I sat there staring at her because I wanted to hold her so bad since I had missed her all day, but I knew she needed to sleep!) and woke up a little bit before dinner to play. She ate and then on our way to the basketball game she fell asleep again...and she slept through the whole first half of the game! After the game I was concerned she wouldn't sleep since she had slept well at daycare and at home, but after she ate at 10pm she slept all night! I even had to go in and wake her up at 6am to eat!! Fantastic!! I hope she continues to sleep like that:)
Anyway, her first day was wonderful and she seems to be doing just fine on her second day as well. I am enjoying my last day of freedom before I start work tomorrow. I struggled yesterday with what I should do because I missed Alley so much (I'm not use to being by myself!) and today I've decided I really need to clean the house...this way I'll be too busy to worry or to want to jump in the car and go pick Alley up! We are slowly making the transition...I can't wait to go get her!!!:)


Unknown said...

I'm so glad the first day went well. Hopefully she'll continue to love it and sleep so well for you! We're praying for you as you make your transition back to the working world!

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and your transition! I can't imagine! I know yall will continue to do well.
Love ya,

A.K. said...

glad teh day went well! was thinking about you! Good luck tomorrow- you'll do great and being busy there will make the day go by so much more quickly until its time to be back with sweet Alley- ALL WEEKEND LONG!!!

The Huffman's said...

I am glad you go through your first will get easier!!!! Hope you have a great one day of work tomorrow!!! I think I might come in for a weekend the second or third weekend of Feb. talk to you soon!

Jessica said...

Hope you had a good day!

Warner Family said...

It sounds like you and Alley are both handling the transition well! I think you were smart starting her a few days early--tomorrow will be great, and the weekend will be even sweeter! Good luck!