Sunday, January 6, 2008

The New Year

It's been awhile...Life in the McPherson household has been crazy since Christmas! We had a fabulous Christmas with Mimi and Papa and were sad to go, but Andy had to go back to work on the! Andy went back in full force with the HSC basketball team. They had a home tournament the 29th and 30th, the on the 31st they left for Atlanta to play in a game on the 1st. They came home the night of the 1st (well, really it was 3am the morning of the 2nd!) and then proceeded to leave for another tournament on the 3rd and came back the night of the 5th...whew, it's been busy!!
We did have a wonderful visit from Andy's mom while at the CNU tournament this weekend! She was finally able to see Andy's mini-me in person! Alley had tons of smiles to show G'ma and we even got a couple pictures of it!
Alley has been changing daily, she can hold her head up for long periods of time (then she suddenly remembers she's still under 2 months of age and drops it), she is standing up in my lap and on objects with almost no support from me (except to keep her balanced) and she started smiling for real right around Christmas...she has been lots of fun. Here new favorite position to be held in is on my shoulder so she can hold up her head and see everyone and everything...she is a piece.
Alright, here are some pictures from the past week:Papa and Alley loving on each other:)G'ma and Alley checking each other outDaddy and Alley smiling at each other before a gameAll smiles:)


A.K. said...

what a sweetie! it was great to see you all over christmas and wonderful to meet your newest addition!

Caroline said...

If it's even possible, I think she's getting cuter every day. Can't wait to see you guys next weekend! XOXO

Anonymous said...

She is totally a mini Andy!!! so cute!!!!