Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Alley had her 2 month appointment this morning and it went really well:) She is 9 weeks old and weighs a healthy 11 lbs 12oz ,which is in the 50th percentile, and is 22.5 inches long, which is also in the 50th percentile. So she's a healthy little butterball!:) She has pretty much doubled her birth weight, which I'm told breastfed babies do much faster than formula fed babies. They're given 6 months to double there weight...my girl is competitive and wanted to get there first;)
Alley also had 4 shots this morning. It wasn't as bad as I had expected. The nurse was super quick with the shots and Alley of course screamed bloody murder all the while. Once the shots were given and she was bandaged up she immediately fell asleep...that's my girl! We'll see how the day goes. The nurse said it's typical for babies to run a fever and be fussy for 24-72 hours after shots...this is when I'm going to need your prayers!!
All in all it was a successful trip. The doctor said she looked great, which is all a mother can ask/hope for!


A.K. said...

congrats Alley! one visit down... good luck momma with the next 72 hours!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad the appointment went well and she's such a healthy growing girl. Keep up the good work! We have discovered the joys of Tylenol after shots. We usually just give Josiah some for the first day or so afterwards. He's never had a fever or anything, just some sore spots on his legs. I don't know if we preempt it with the Tylenol, but I don't want to find out by not giving him some :) Oh...long warm baths are also good for soothing those legs. Good Luck!