I made it!! I survived my first trip without Alley...whew, but boy am I glad to be home!! Andy and I flew to St. Louis for the NATA conference and had originally planed on bringing Alley. Then a little over a week before we left I started feeling like it wasn't a good idea...so Mimi and Papa stepped up to the plate and stayed with Alley for 5 days 4 nights (what great parents and grandparents!!).
Andy and I had a wonderful time visiting my birthplace and just touring around. Here are some pictures from our week.

The arch - the next couple are pictures of the grounds around the arch...check out the flood level!

You can't go to Cardinal country without going to a Cardinals game!

As you can see by this picture of Andy and Isaac (Andy's assistant) We went to THE brewery:)

This is the stable that holds a few of the 250 Clydesdales that the Busch family own...note the chandelier and the stained glass windows (which were also in the stalls...)

We had a wonderful week filled with convention classes (for Andy) and visiting with friends...but, we are glad we are home!
i recognize all those backgrounds- i know when my sis looks at it she'll be missing St. Louis! Glad ya'll had fun!
Fun huh? Been to the Brewery too...amazing stuff! Glad you had a good trip!
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